who are you?
my name is mark and this is my personal weblog/journal/notebook.
why is this site up?
i am a very forgetful person. i thought it would be useful to maintain a weblog so i could remember sites i saw or articles i read.
how did you first hear about weblogs?
some print article mentioned memepool and metajohn. after a bit of surfing, i found alot of other weblogs/blogs and ...
are you going to update it daily?
i'll try to, really
why ackram?
it's markca backwards, couldn't register markca
your posts are pretty short
yeah, i hate writing/ i like to keep things simple
the picture on the right, is that your current job?
nope. it was taken during when i was intern (that was not my office, i thought it would be a funny picture)
who are you listening to?
- sarah mclachlan
- bjork
still reading?
cool, drop me note (on the right). just say hi or something